Wednesday, December 13, 2006

How Good Is Good Enough

So I have recently finished this book that was graciously given to me by our InterVarsity Staff worker and it do I say...Amazing. At first I was a bit skeptical because it is a very small book, not just in length but in size overall (Dimensions: 7"Hx5"W). However, Andy Stanley blew me away with his down to earth discussions and talk on being good vs. forgiveness. The title pretty much sums up what the book is trying to say, how good is good enough to get into heaven. Stanley makes a very good point in that many people believe that one has to be so good, or live a good life, or just be a good person in general to get into heaven. However, that is definitely not how it works.
This is an awesome quote from the book where he discusses how we don't truly know how to measure how good you have to be to get into heaven.

"When you die, do you get to go to heaven if your good deed constitute 70 percent of your overall deeds? Or does 51 percent earn you a passing grade...what percentage of your deeds do you think need to be alloted to the positive side of the balance sheet in order to secure a slot in heaven?"
I mean, have you really ever thought that if our good deeds got us to heaven, how can we be measured on them. Stanley mentions, what if we miss getting into heaven because we are lacking in one good deed on our heavenly entrance checklist. To spend eternity in damnation because we did not complete that one more good deed. It just doesn't work like that.
Another interesting point he mentions is how Fairness does not determine truth. Many people will agree that they do not believe in Christ or the bible because it is unfair. Well, those are two seperate things. He gives an example, "While it is true that little Susie received a C, it was certainly not fair." Just because things are not fair does not mean that they are not true. If God was to give us what we truly deserve, then we would be in a whole world of problems.
I would really enocourage you to read this book, it is not a hard read, and is very intriguing. Check it out!

"Heavenly Father, thank You for not being fair.
Thank You for instead being merciful.
I believe true fairness would have seperated
me from You forever, because that's what I deserve. Thank
You for sending Jesus to die for my sins.
I now place my faith in him as my savior.
Thank You for sending him to die in my place."

- How Good is Good Enough; Andy Stanley