Wednesday, December 13, 2006

How Good Is Good Enough

So I have recently finished this book that was graciously given to me by our InterVarsity Staff worker and it do I say...Amazing. At first I was a bit skeptical because it is a very small book, not just in length but in size overall (Dimensions: 7"Hx5"W). However, Andy Stanley blew me away with his down to earth discussions and talk on being good vs. forgiveness. The title pretty much sums up what the book is trying to say, how good is good enough to get into heaven. Stanley makes a very good point in that many people believe that one has to be so good, or live a good life, or just be a good person in general to get into heaven. However, that is definitely not how it works.
This is an awesome quote from the book where he discusses how we don't truly know how to measure how good you have to be to get into heaven.

"When you die, do you get to go to heaven if your good deed constitute 70 percent of your overall deeds? Or does 51 percent earn you a passing grade...what percentage of your deeds do you think need to be alloted to the positive side of the balance sheet in order to secure a slot in heaven?"
I mean, have you really ever thought that if our good deeds got us to heaven, how can we be measured on them. Stanley mentions, what if we miss getting into heaven because we are lacking in one good deed on our heavenly entrance checklist. To spend eternity in damnation because we did not complete that one more good deed. It just doesn't work like that.
Another interesting point he mentions is how Fairness does not determine truth. Many people will agree that they do not believe in Christ or the bible because it is unfair. Well, those are two seperate things. He gives an example, "While it is true that little Susie received a C, it was certainly not fair." Just because things are not fair does not mean that they are not true. If God was to give us what we truly deserve, then we would be in a whole world of problems.
I would really enocourage you to read this book, it is not a hard read, and is very intriguing. Check it out!

"Heavenly Father, thank You for not being fair.
Thank You for instead being merciful.
I believe true fairness would have seperated
me from You forever, because that's what I deserve. Thank
You for sending Jesus to die for my sins.
I now place my faith in him as my savior.
Thank You for sending him to die in my place."

- How Good is Good Enough; Andy Stanley

Thursday, October 19, 2006


I hate Exams...they make school so not-fun!

Friday, October 13, 2006

I think everyone loves fall...

So I am back now from fall break and it is truly a sorrowful occasion. However, over fall break I was able to go and visit much of my family and see my grandpa, who is in the hospital. I also enjoy traveling to Tennesee because that means I get some good ol' cookin' and I usually make it to the mountains. This past trip my fiancee and I hiked up to Roan High Knob at 6,285ft. It was absolutley gorgeous and foggy. At the begining of the hike I had started with a t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, sweat shirt, and a jacket (always good to hike in layers). By the end of the trip I was down to my long sleeve shirt.

It was defintely a beautiful hike to the top of the moutain and we both had a great time. My fiancee, however, was not too thrilled to hike to the top of the mountain because I seemed to have forgotten to tell her that we may go hiking that day. But I can say she looked very pretty with her hair done, hiking up the mountain. When we arrived at the summit we both played around on the rocks and took a bunch of pics. It was such a fun endeavor! The photo above is of the treeline heading down from the summit. As you can tell it was very foggy, and wet, but the hills were orange, yellow, and red....oh so beautiful. Once you arrived at a lower elevation the trees turned back to green.

I can't wait for the trees to change where I live. I love the fall and everything that it brings. I think one reason I enoy the fall so much, is that my favorite color is orange and that is pretty predominent in this season. I also enjoy the smell of cinnamon and nutmeg, and turkey, and brocolli casserole, and cold brisk air, and a heater. It all just wraps up together into one big blanket of autumn goodness. Oh yeah...and my b-day in in the fall too, which makes it very exciting!

- Jason

Friday, October 06, 2006

Fall Break...Can I Hear A Hallelujah!

So it is Friday, the last day before Fall Break and life is wonderful. I am looking forward to spending the weekend with the relatives in Tennessee and eatin' some good ol' homecookin'. All I know is that my Nana makes the best homemade biscuits and applesauce I have ever eaten....

My Papaw has recently went into surgery for his leg and as far as I know, everything has gone well. So it will be nice to see him this weekend too. Speaking of surgery, I just had an operation on my neck this Monday. I never enjoy going to the hospital or even worse being the one being visited in the hospital. I am not sure if it is just me but, hospitals just have this particular smell to them that just gives me the creeps.

But anyways, as usual when I return from break my professors have graciously assigned a ton of work that has to be done. So once again, I will return to my utopian world or some far off distant land that I would like to visit. I am thinking of going and checking on the Tierra del Fuego, located in the southern part of Argentina, in the province of Patagonia. This is a place just south of the Straits of Magellan and Southwest of the Falkland (name depending on if your Argentinean or British) Islands. I have always wanted to travel to Patagonia and see the penguins, dolphins, and crazily beautiful landscapes. Maybe one day!

-¡Hasta Luego! Jason

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

If only to see the world...

So it is 7:50 in the morning and I can barely stay awake. My only thought is going into this picture I have shown here (New Zealand). I love to travel and I find much enjoyment when I do. To see new things, experience new cultures, new languages, new lifestyles, and meet interesting people. I know I have been talking about the unltimate jobs lately and I think another ultimate job would be a travel show host. Take Anthony Bourdain ( for example. This man is a chef, bestselling author, and traveler. He gets to travel to several different places around the world, eating different foods, and just tells people about it on the Travel channel. That would be awesome!! But I guess I will see what happens in the future...I just need to win the lotto.

However, this week of school has been a bit hectic, at least the first half. I had a map test in my European Geography class and it wasn't that bad. We had about ~160 places to remember and many I had never heard of, like Pantelleria, the strait of Bonafacio, so I spent many an hour looking through my atlases. Then I have a Case law paper due and a spanish composition, and many other assignments. Sometimes I just wish professors would get together and discuss when they will assign specific things, so we don't have them all at once. (But that is major wishful thinking).

- Jason

Monday, September 18, 2006

Just another week @ ODU

This week is definitely going to be a very busy one, but I plan to not let that bother me. Even though I have large, excruciating, mounds of work to do at school it can't be that bad...right? All I know is that I am ready to graduate, get married, and get paid money to do large, excruciating, mounds of work instead of paying to have that pressed upon me.

I think the ultimate job would probably be a staff worker for InterVarsity. I mean hear me get to hang out with college students all day and be in the college atmosphere, drink hot chocolate or coffee (your choice), talk about God and how he is working on campus and in the lives of others, play frisbee with folks, take who knows how many walks outside when it is beautiful, delegate responsibilty to other students, and still get paid to do it. Now that sounds like a pretty cool job to me :)

Since it is my senior year, I have been looking for potential places to work and things to do after I graduate. I would love to move to Va. Beach for a while and work for a couple years, unitl Ash and I can raise enough support to go over seas to do missions work. I also think it would be sweet to get a job as a youth minister somewhere in Va Beach too. I just enjoy hanging out with people and talking about God....good times! But, I guess I will see what God has instore for me...fingers crossed. Now...back to the large mounds of excruciating work.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Woo Hoo Weekend Time!!!!

Did I ever mention that I love the weekend. It has to be the best time ever. I mean, hear me out. You go to school and work for the entire week and not really get much sleep and you are forced to do things that are going to be graded and placed in your permanent folder, to follow and judge you for the rest of your life. Then comes the weekend, when you are hopefully free to sleep in, or go somewhere, or make a big breakfast, or even just vegg on the sofa in your living room.

However, it may be the plan of some notorious, evil master-minded professor or boss to assign you homework or "ask" you to come in and work on the weekend. That right there truly puts a damper on the whole festive occasion. So, my brillant well thought-out plan is to simply win the lottery and make my life one big weekend. This way I may be able to conquer the evil plans of those anti-weekend pickiters and truly have the result of pulling a coup d'état and feeling the rush of the weekend revolutionist!!! Hail the mighty weekend!!!!...

...or I simply call in sick to work or make up an excuse about an anti-cyclonic depression that pulled my homework in and completely destroyed it, spreading the remains of my spanish 102 excercises all over the Azores.

¡Vive el fin del semana! (Long live the weekend!!)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

School has started again :( has started again and I am definitely not very excited to do more work and study for tests. However, I am going into this year being newly engaged, it being my senior year, and having a blast with InterVarsity. So, in turn, I don't feel as if this will all be that bad. Sometimes I just wonder why I can't go to school, hang out with folks, but not have to go to class. (That is how life should be...but it's not, sadly) Oh well...
This year in IV I have been in charge of setting up the new IV website. You should definitely go and check it out. ( I also have it linked in the side column. It has been wonderful to learn how to design a webpage and for the first time ever doing it, I don't think it is too bad.
I have also had the pleasure of hooking up with Doug and co-leading a small group this year on Monday nights. We have been discussing the Book of Mark and I love it. One reason I enjoy Mark is that it starts pretty much when Jesus's missional ministry starts. I think that is a good access point for someone like me, who is deeply thinking about going into missions. I look forward to seeing what will come of this group and have to constantly remind myself to leave it in God's hands. (hard though).


Mitla, Oaxaca, Mexico

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Start

Well...I would have to say that this begins the start of my blogging experience here on blogger. I will try this out and see how it goes.